How to rent in NYC (or anywhere)

Second article of a series dedicated to moving to the US.

Tom Roggero

Moving to the US: Credit Score

This is intended to be the first article of a series dedicated to moving to the US.

Tom Roggero

Best airlines livery ever

Talking with a friend, who is a travel blogger from Argentina (writes in Spanish) I realized there are way too many airplanes with a surprisingly good and funny painting job.

Tom Roggero

How to optimize videos for web mobile

I know. It’s trendy. If you find yourself having a ginormous video and a request from design asking to be a full-bleed background video on a hero of the page, this will likely be useful for you. I do recommend hosting the video in any platform that does the processing of the video and re-rendering multiple qualities to automatically provide users with the best they can consume, as YouTube does. But for those of you who will self-host videos, this will be probably the way to go.

Tom Roggero

How to install OpenImageIO in Mac OS X El Capitan

A little background: a colleague of mine was trying to install this useful library (to process RAW photo files as Ian Wootten has written about) which doesn’t have a very user-friendly README file on their GitHub repo. He was getting the following error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in <module>
    import OpenImageIO as oiio
ImportError: No module named OpenImageIO
  1. In order to fix it, you need to have Homebrew installed. If you already have it installed run brew update to make sure you have the latest version.
  2. If you don’t currently have it, install Python 2.7. You can do so running in your Terminal: brew install python. That should take care of installing pip as well (which is the Python package manager, and it is very useful most of the times, though it doesn’t have openimageio support yet.)
  3. We can then proceed to (finally) do brew install homebrew/science/openimageio, or the whole science module. I did only the first.
  4. Because Homebrew likely installed the module .so file in a directory that’s not being used by Python, we have to symlink the file to one that Python uses. You can locate the Homebrew file at /usr/local/Cellar/openimageio/1.7.7_1/lib/python2.7/python/ or similar.
  5. Now, I was wondering where does Python import modules from? Running python -c 'import sys; print sys.path' would return an array of all paths where it tries to find modules on import. In my case, I just took the last “site-packages” one, which was /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages – Please note this path might defer with yours.
  6. Last step, and this is all that matters, is taking the path from #4 and putting it into #5: ln -s /usr/local/Cellar/openimageio/1.7.7_1/lib/python2.7/python/ /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/
Tom Roggero

How to integrate Drush into PuPHPet

Yeah. Long time without writing here. I have lost about 2 or 3 hours of my life trying to configure it. So I think it deserves a post so anyone googling can find it. It is as simple as adding the following to your config.yaml file:

Tom Roggero

Argentina's One Laptop per Child

A little bit of background here: Conectar Igualdad is the Argentinian government’s official program to give one netbook to every student and teacher in public high schools, special education schools and teachers’ institutes. I am part of a mailing list of super nerds called #Nardoz and we are mostly argentinians (both men and women) and we love technology.

Tom Roggero

My deepest self

Being depressive is being sick. Depression is illness. And when I’m sick there’s plenty of stuff I want to do that I can’t do. And if I try to do it anyway, the result won’t be great.

Tom Roggero

Notes from February 25th, 2014

It has been very pleasing to me to have learnt from quite experienced people. Even though at some point in my short career I was more noisy than I would like to admit, I had tried to listen anyways.

Tom Roggero

To grow

It’s been a while. I’m still quite young but I started to see things in a different way. I’ve decided to write down what changed my mind last November, so I chose ghost as platform because Collis convinced me.

Tom Roggero

About seniority and engineering

Recently, Andrés Pagella just gave me a really interesting article. “On being a senior engineer” is a must-read even if you find hard to follow a huge article in English. I spent invested about an hour in order to finish it. And I will highlight the parts I liked the most:

Tom Roggero